811 Info

Calling before you dig is important. Whether you're installing an underground dog fence or running water to an outbuilding, underground piping and other utilities can be damaged. It's as simple as 8-1-1. Call 811 or 800-292-8525 from anywhere in the country a few days prior to digging, and your call will be routed to your local One Call Center. Tell the operator where you're planning to dig, what type of work you will be doing and your local utilities companies will be notified about your intent to dig. In a few days, they'll send a locator to mark the approximate location of your underground lines, pipes and cables, so you'll know what's below - and be able to dig safely.
Alabama 811 | E-Ticket with Mapping Program
- Alabama 811's Online Portal gives excavators the ability to enter, search, view, and update locate requests.
Alabama 811 Portal for more Info
- Homeowners & Contractors must be registered to use the Alabama 811 Online Portal. To register simply click the link below and it will transfer you to the Alabama 811 Portal, then select Sign-up to register.
Alabama 811 Portal for Registration
- Remember, always call 811 before you start any digging project! You'll avoid injury and expense and unwanted interruptions of gas service.